
Oct. 5-10, 2018

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The Campsite

Instincts. Communication. Survival. This will be your mantra during your retreat. Jump Fest|AVL resides deep within the Pisgah National Forest. 

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City Challenges

Explore the many challenges Asheville has to offer. From epic descents to great beer, Asheville has a vice for everyone.  

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Work together with the group to stay warm and fed. Accomplish objectives together and leave no one behind. It will take a village. 

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"Our Deeds overcome our Boundaries"

Jump Fest | AVL takes a much more intimate and intense approach to our Camp. Community. Cleanse. philosophy.

Creating a space dedicated to exhausting our physical, mental and spiritual states of being and rebuilding our construct to be more honest, vulnerable and confident in being lights in the world. To have the conversations that need to be had and place responsibility on ourselves to get our house in order. In every sense of the word. 

No internet. No cell phone. No bullshit.
Instincts. Communication. Survival. 

You are the sum of your actions and survival is your only concern. You’re in the mountains and you’re cold. It’s dark, and you’re soaking wet...yet you are not alone. “I want to stop, I need to stop, I have to stop, I’m cold, I’m so tired, I’m hungry” Those voices. Those fears. They have become your limitations and they are crushing you. So either push them...or suffocate in your own comfort zone.
— Justin Sheaffer

The Couselors

These are the individuals facilitating your experience of growth over these 4 days in the Asheville wilderness. All of us are dedicated to you; your journey, your energy and your breakthroughs. If you have been feeling disconnected, weak, stuck or defeated...you are exactly who this retreat is for. We will help you find your power and conquer your self-limiting beliefs. Are you ready to match our commitment?


Justin Sheaffer

Spiritual Breakthrough Guide


Chris Hollingsworth

Mental Breakthrough Guide


Emma Churchman

Money Mindset Coach

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Justin Pascale

Survival Guide | Security


Ethan Citrin

Survival Guide | Culinary



Oct. 5 | Arrival
Oct. 6 | Downtown Exploration
Oct. 7 - 9 | Survival Retreat
Oct. 10 | Departure